Miliband plan is leading us to disaster
A leading energy system expert has warned that Ed Miliband’s Clean Power 2030 plan is leading the country to disaster.
The GB electricity grid came close to brownouts last month due to a lack of generation capacity, showing that the system is already under immense stress. But energy consultant Kathryn Porter says that this is just one aspect of the problem. In a new analysis for Net Zero Watch, she warns that so-called ‘frequency excursions’ are rising at an alarming rate, suggesting the grid is becoming dangerously unstable.
And Ms Porter says that Ed Miliband’s Clean Power 2030 plan is going to increase the risks even further:
The plan doesn’t rise much above the level of a fairy tale – it’s clear that the technical feasibility of what is proposed has barely been considered. And to the extent that it becomes reality, it will make energy security even more of a problem.
Net Zero Watch director Andrew Montford said:
In the best-case scenario, Clean Power 2030 will lead to prices going through the ceiling. In the worst case, the lights will go out.
Richard Tice, the deputy leader of Reform UK, said:
We can’t go on having policy dictated by green fantasists. If we are to have economic growth, we must get back to cheap, reliable, plentiful energy. That means scrapping Net Zero”
Nick Timothy, a shadow energy minister, said:
Ed Miliband’s green delusions are going to be disastrous. He and his officials need to get serious about the cost and security of our energy system."
The report, entitled Blackout Risk in the GB Grid can be dowloaded by clicking the cover image below.