Taking Back Control: Addressing Britain's Energy Crisis
Two energy experts from Net Zero Watch have put forward a radical programme to address the energy crisis in the UK. According to Dr John Constable and Andrew Montford, the authors of the plan, consumer prices can only be reduced by lowering the cost of gas and increasing the efficiency of gas-fired power stations. Increasing use of renewables will undoubtedly raise prices further.
Restarting UK shale gas
As essay setting out the arguments for and against developing a UK shale gas industry
The Net Zero Watch Guide to the Energy Bills Crisis
Net Zero Watch has called on the government to take firm action and turn the energy crisis into an opportunity for the finances of households, businesses and the economy.
The Worm in the Rose
An eminent expert on security looks at Net Zero in the context of national security, and in particular the threat represented by China.
Transition to reality: The prospects for rapid global decarbonization
A Canadian economist considers whether rapid decarbonization is a practical possibility
Broadening the horizons of climate thought
Dutch scientist Gus Berkhout calls for scientists to broaden the horizons of climate thought, looking beyond carbon dioxide to other influences on the earth-atmosphere system.
Settled science: four questions on climate change
An essay by Garth Paltridge on settled science in the climate domain: whether it is true, and the implication of the idea that it is.
Clive James on Climate: Mass death dies hard
The humourist's famous essay on climate change
Global warming and the irrelevance of science
Professor Richard Lindzen's essay on government corruption of science